This section will explain in depth on how to input the necessary quotation details. The screen below shows the Quotations menu for inputting the item details.
Figure 4.6.1
4.6.1 Fields and buttons contain in this form:
To make the explanation of this form easier, the fields and buttons are classified into five categories which are Static info, Header Info, Invoice Detail Info, Item Detail Info and Menu Action Button. In addition, fields that seem unclear will be further elaborated.
a. Static Info: It consists of Customer Name, Reference No., and Issuer. These fields are located at the top of the form and the purpose of these fields is to provide information to the user.
b. Header Info: It consists of Sale Confirmation, RE, Greeting, Delivery, Payment Term, Note and Remarks of Invoice.
c. Invoice Detail Info: It consists of Invoice, Terms, Date, PO No, Amount Paid (see Important things that need to understand and know in this section) and the Paid status indicator.
d. Item Detail Info: It consists of Item description, Unit price, Quantity, Amount and Amount receivable. Please note that the value in Amount and Amount receivable are automatically generated.
e. Menu Action Button: It consists of New Pseudo No (see Important things that need to understand and know in this section), Issue Invoice (see section 4.7.2) and Close.
4.6.2 Navigating through pseudo invoices / invoices
Use the Invoice selector (as shown in figure 4.6.1), to go to other pseudo invoices / invoices. In addition, to create consecutive new invoice, you will need to use this to get to the last record.
4.6.3 Navigating through item details
You can use the Item selector, the scroll bar, or simply click on the appearing items in order to navigate through the item list. In addition, to create consecutive new item, you will need to go to last item, which is empty, to input the details.
4.6.4 Important things that need to understand and know:
Please do not be miss-leaded by this button’s text when you are trying to update the quotation’s details. As long as you did not check on the Sale Confirmation (see section 4.7 for further details) box, invoice is yet to be created. Once this Sale Confirmation is checked, a reference number for the system to use will be generated, which begin with the letter S. At this instant, this field is indicated as Pseudo No.
Furthermore, once Sale Confirmation is checked, the label will change form Pseudo No to Invoice and an actual invoice number will be generated (without the prefix S).