4.7 Converting quotation to invoice and issuing of invoice  

As pointed out in section 4.6, the information you provided so far are considered as a quote to a potential customer. Unless the sale is confirmed, an invoice does not exist. However, once the sale is confirmed, the issuing of invoice is a must. The following will describe how to convert quotation to invoice in details.

        4.7.1 Converting to invoice:

        Before quotation is converted to invoice, the pseudo invoice number has a prefix letter S attached to it. Once it is converted to an invoice, the invoice number will not contain the prefix S. However, it is not necessarily that the number prior to conversion to be the same as the converted number.

        To convert quotation to invoice, click on the check box, Sale Confirmed. Please note that the process of confirming sale is irreversible; that is, once you have converted quotation to invoice, you will not be allow to change it back. Please also take note, once quotation has been converted to invoice, the user will not be able to make amendment; such as, adding, deleting and updating the item details (i.e. Item description, Unit price, Quantity and Amount).

        In addition, the label Pseudo No will automatically change to Invoice once the Sale Confirmation tag has been successfully checked.


        4.7.2 Issuing invoice and delivery order:

        Once you have successfully clicked on the check box, Sale Confirmed, you will able to issue invoice and delivery order by invoking the buttons Issued Invoice and Issued Delivery Order respectively. It allows you to preview the invoice or the delivery order in report form. To print out the hardcopy, click on the printer icon. (* Note that you can export the reports to a Word formatted files).


        4.7.3 Important things to know of invoice (include deleting item):